Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ready for Bed

Davis loves bedtime. When we tell him that it is time for bed--he is on a mission. He starts gathering all his stuff. He gets his cup of water, his blanket, and his puppet blankie. Sometimes he takes a book.  

Friday, October 31, 2008



Reese talked about carving pumpkins all week. She talked about carving in great detail, including digging the seeds and the gook out (don't know where she learned all of her information). I didn't really want to do such a messy project, but I decided to go ahead and do it with her.  I ended up doing all the work. She made one dig and then decided that it was too much work.

The next door neighbors walked with us.

Reese and Davis both had a blast on Halloween. Reese trick or treated at the high school with her class during the day and brought homes two huge bags full of candy. Then we went on Halloween night. We only went to a few houses, but they had fun. Davis said "thank you" when he got his first piece of candy. During the wagon ride he had to hold a piece in his hand the entire time. By the end, he knew the whole routine: get out of the wagon, go to the door, knock, and then someone comes to give you candy!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin...

I couldn't believe how still Davis was for the picture. He stayed in the same position for 10 minutes while I got all kinds of footage. When I went to pick him up I realized that he hadn't moved because his foot was caught between the wood!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Go Alabama!

Reese and Davis were cheering for Alabama! Davis has been saying Alabama. It sounds like mamamabamamama. It is so funny!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mighty Rebel Day

During football season every Friday is spirit day at the high school (Reese's class calls it Mighty Rebel Day). Reese LOVES Fridays. She was so excited for today that after we put her to bed last night Drew went to check on her and found her in bed with her Mighty Rebel t-shirt, shorts, socks and tennis shoes. 

She had a blast today. The football players and cheerleaders gave them spirit ribbons, painted their faces, and hung out with their class. She also got to go to her first pep rally today. She was scared at first, but by the end she was dancing. This is Reese in her "Mighty Rebel Gear".

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bama Cheerleader

Meredith and Alan...This is for you! I know I have been terrible at posting lately, but school, work, and GroceryGame keep me BUSY!!! Since Drew was doing his football game tonight I got my camera out and put her cheerleader outfit. I know you guys have been dying to see her in it!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First Day of Pre-K

This is Reese on her first day of school. We are so lucky that she gets to attend the Pre-K at the high school that Drew and I both work at. She loves the high school!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Reese's Birthday

Reese had a Minnie Mouse Birthday...
Carson, Robert, Amelia, and Brody came to celebrate.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our Trip to Chattanooga

When we visited Ole Man and Grammy in July, we took Reese and Davis to The Children's Discovery Museum. They both had so much fun there. Unfortunately, the air conditioner at the museum was broken and it was SO hot! We dripped with sweat the whole time--I am not sure if Reese and Davis even noticed. As a result of the air being out, we got tickets for next summer!
Davis coming out of a tunnel at the museum...
...and Reese playing on the dinosaur rocks.

Davis wanted to sit in the chair and pull his body weight like the big kids were doing!

Davis and Reese both liked going in the tower.

We also took the trolley across the river to a neat little park. They rode the carousel and played in the water fountains. Reese loved the carousel, and Davis loved the fountains. Afterwards, we got snowcones, but Davis was asleep during that. It was a very fun day!

The trolley ride is always the best part...

Davis wasted no time in the fountains, and wanted to play in the biggest ones!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Old Man & Grammy's

Davis loved the cows behind Ole Man and Grammy's house (this is where he learned how to say "MOOOOOOO"). One day Drew and Davis went outside making "MOOOO" sounds, and all the cows came up and stood in a line in front of them. When I saw what was happening I took my camera outside to take a picture. As soon as I got outside, they started running away as fast as they could. It was the funniest site!
We did get them to come back by making more "MOOOOO" sounds. But, not all of them came back.
Reese and Davis loved playing in Ole Man and Grammy's yard. They had lots of grass to run around in!

At Ole Man and Grammy's house we went to the parade on July 4th. Davis would have rather played with the grass.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Day at the ZOO

Aunt Meme and I took Jack, Reese and Davis to the Birmingham Zoo when we were visiting my family in Alabama.

Meme and I were very excited to take the kids to the zoo (I guess we were more excited than they were! The kids had a lot of fun, but the animals got kind of boring after awhile. After awhile, Jack and Reese became only interested in riding things. Davis enjoyed his stroller ride.

Reese's favorite animals were the flamingos.
We went to a sea lion show...

...the sea lions were Davis's favorite!

Reese and Jack liked the carousel better than any animal!

The kids had fun at the zoo, but as soon as we got in the car, they all fell asleep!